Make an impact where people live, work, play and gather in Door County.
Put more automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) within reach and help save lives.

More than 356,000 people experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in the U.S. each year.*
Between 70 and 90 percent of people who experience OHCA die before reaching a hospital.**
Quickly shocking the heart of a cardiac arrest patient with an AED can help save their life.
More than 70 emergency calls to 9-1-1 in Door County during 2021 involved cardiac arrest patients.
Over 2 million people visit Door County each year.
39% of Door County’s year-round population is 60 or older.
*Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation

“Access to a defibrillator means that first responders or even bystanders can begin a key life-saving step before an ambulance arrives.”
- Door County Fire Chiefs Association President Chris Hecht
“Making AEDs more accessible and part of our public safety cultural will help save lives...defibrillation delivered by an AED and CPR make a critical difference in helping cardiac arrest patients ….”
- Door County Emergency Services Director Aaron LeClair

The Door County Fire Chiefs Association works to improve fire safety, education and prevention through partnership and cooperation with organizations throughout the county.

Help us reach the fundraising goal of $75,000 to match a $75,000 anonymous donation. The total amount of $150,000 would bring approximately 80 new AEDs to Door County AND help save lives. Donating is easy - by mail, in person or online.
Donations can also be dropped off in person at fire stations and North Shore Bank and Nicolet National Bank branches throughout Door County. A 3% service fee is automatically deducted from all donations made by credit card. Please consider payment by check if making a large donation. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will make an impact in Door County.
Thank you!
Door County Fire Chiefs Association
Send a Donation
See Attached Form and send by mail.
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Click on button below to donate online.
Bank Deposit
Stop by Nicolet Bank or North Shore Bank locations to donate.

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